Monday, August 16, 2010

Quiet, Isn't It?

By 'It' I mean 'me', and by 'Quiet' I mean 'I don't seem to have been very busy, do I?'- Rest assured, Gentle Reader, I have been very busy, but as much of that which I have been busy with is Top Secret until after the 'Asylum', you will have to be patient

Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, here's a picture of the one and only Rolls-Royce Phantom I Joncheere Coupe:


Unknown said...

That sir is an amazing car!

Can't wait for the top secret news

But can I also recommend the blisteringly rare Phantom Corsair

The Sidley Assassin said...

Her Doktor,

I am a partner in a new TV production company and I am currently working on a comedy pilot based on an alternate Earth.

Your models are really very good and we would love to use one or two of them. If this might be of interest to you please e-mail me at

Many thanks.